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I setup Synergy Management Associates ( in 1993 as a center for promoting business excellence through its training and consulting services We have promoted innovative managment ideas, managing senior level projects and for delivering creative client solutions across business segments. We has shown time-tested capacity to build "Peak Performance Organisations" . by Designing Business Excellence Models, Audit and Design HRD Systems, Implement Performance Management Systems. I have been called “disruptive thought leader in the boardroom ” or “contra rebel” for my tangential thinking and ideas to improvise business vision and policy as a corporate advisor; I have helped young managers business scions and young entrepreneurs (who wish to become future CEOs) through my META+COACH MODEL. I have been called “performance turnaround specialist” by the sales managers for the quantum improvement Direct Marketing Campaigns and Steping -up Salesforce Effectiveness, I found time to be a visiting professor and seminar leader at India's premier management institutes and Chamber of and a keynote speaker for numerous conferences & seminars.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Leaders should actively try to identify the level of engagement in their organization, find the reasons behind the lack of full engagement, strive to eliminate those reasonsI


THE giant steps TO


An engaged employee is a person who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about, his or her work. Truly engaged employees are attracted to, and inspired by, their work (“I want to do this”), committed (“I am dedicated to the success of what I am doing”), and fascinated (“I love what I am doing”). Engaged employees care about the future of the company and are willing to invest the discretionary effort – exceeding duty’s call – to see that the organization succeeds in tackling a shortage of skilled employees which is  an emerging trend.


We believe that the CEO must be concerned about the level of engagement in the workplace. Most recent research by global consulting firms indicate that:
·       Only  30 percent of employees are actively engaged in their jobs. These employees work with passion and feel a profound connection to their company. People that are actively engaged help move the organization forward.
·       50% of employees are not engaged. These employees have essentially “checked out,” sleepwalking through their workday and putting time – but not passion – into their work. These people the common jest “Never mistake activity for accomplishment.”
·       20% of employees are actively disengaged. These employees are busy acting out their unhappiness, undermining what their engaged co-workers are trying to accomplish.

Given these data, it is not difficult to understand that companies that do a better job of engaging their employees do outperform their competition.


Employee engagement can not only make a real difference, THEY BELIEVE THAT THEY CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE it can set the great organizations apart from the merely good ones.
o    85% percent of highly engaged employees believe they can positively impact the quality of their organization’s products, compared with only 30 percent of the disengaged.
o   70 percent of highly engaged employees believe they can positively affect customer service, versus 25 percent of the disengaged.
o   65 percent of highly engaged employees believe they can positively impact costs in their job or unit, compared with just 20percent of the disengaged.


How can leaders engage employees’ heads, hearts, and hands? The literature offers several avenues for action; we summarize these basic steps for employee engagement

1. LEADERS MUST SHOW THAT THEY VALUE EMPLOYEES Employee-focused initiatives such as profit sharing and implementing work–life balance initiatives are important. However, if employees’ relationship with their managers is messed-up, then no amount of perks will persuade employees to perform at top levels. Employee engagement is a direct reflection of how employees feel about their relationship with the boss. Employees look at whether organizations and their leader walk the talk when they proclaim that, “Our employees are our most valuable asset.”

2. CHALLENGING AND MEANINGFUL WORK WITH OPPORTUNITIES FOR CAREER ADVANCEMENT. Leaders should provide challenging and meaningful work with opportunities for career advancement. Most people want to do new things in their job. For example, do organizations provide job rotation for their top talent? Are people assigned stretch goals? Do leaders hold people accountable for progress? Are jobs enriched in duties and responsibilities? Good leaders challenge employees; but at the same time, they must instill the confidence that the challenges can be met. Not giving people the knowledge and tools to be successful is unethical and de-motivating; it is also likely to lead to stress, frustration, and, ultimately, lack of engagement.

What we see is a whole mess of people going to a cricket match and nobody is telling them what the rules are. … don’t use information to intimidate, control or manipulate people. Use it to teach people how to work together to achieve common goals and thereby gain control over their lives.
People want to understand the vision that senior leadership has for the organization, and the goals that leaders or departmental heads have for the division, unit, or team. Success in life and organizations is, to a great extent, determined by how clear individuals are about their goals and what they really want to achieve. In sum, employees need to understand what the organization’s goals are, why they are important, and how the goals can best be attained. Clarity about what the organization stands for, what it wants to achieve, and how people can contribute to the organization’s success is not always evident.

Good leaders establish processes and procedures that help people master important tasks and facilitate goal achievement. There is a great anecdote about a legendary sports coach. He showed how important feedback – positive and constructive – is in the pursuit of greatness. Among the secrets of his phenomenal success was that he kept detailed diaries on each of his players. He kept track of small improvements he felt the players could make and did make. At the end of each practice, he would share his thoughts with the players. The lesson here is that good leaders work daily to improve the skills of their people and create small wins that help the team, unit, or organization perform at its best.

5. BUSINESS LEADERS CAN LEARN TO CONGRATULATE Surveys show that, over and over, employees feel that they receive immediate feedback when their performance is poor, or below expectations. These same employees also report that praise and recognition for strong performance is much less common. Exceptional leaders give recognition, and they do so a lot; they coach and convey.

They want to be sure they are contributing to the organization’s success in a meaningful way. Companies which tried to measure performance have found a few obvious conclusions...First, an employee’s understanding of the connection between her work – as evidenced by specific job-relevant behaviors – and the strategic objectives of the company had a positive impact on job performance. Second, an employee’s attitude towards the job and the company had the greatest impact on loyalty and customer service than all the other employee factors combined. Third, improvements in employee attitude led to improvements in job-relevant behavior; this, in turn, increased customer satisfaction and an improvement in revenue growth. In sum, good leaders help people see and feel how they are contributing to the organization’s success and future.

 Employees value control over the flow and pace of their jobs and leaders can create opportunities for employees to exercise this control. Do leaders consult with their employees with regard to their needs? Are leaders flexible and attuned to the needs of the employees as well as the organization? Do leaders involve employees in decision-making, particularly when employees will be directly affected by the decision? Do employees have a say in setting goals or milestones that are deemed important? Are employees able to voice their ideas, and does leadership show that contributions are valued?
A feeling of “being in on things,” and of being given opportunities to participate in decision making often reduces stress; it also creates trust and a culture where people want to take ownership of problems and their solutions. There are numerous examples of organizations whose implementation of an open-book management style and creating room for employees to contribute to making decisions had a positive effect on engagement and organizational performance. Initiatives such as Six Sigma are dependent, in part, on the active participation of employees on the shop floor.

8. FOSTER A ROBUST TEAM CLIMATE Studies show that, when employees work in teams and have the trust and cooperation of their team members, they outperform individuals and teams which lack good relationships. Great leaders are team builders; they create an environment that fosters trust and collaboration. Surveys indicate that being cared about by colleagues is a strong predictor of employee engagement. Thus, a continuous challenge for leaders is to rally individuals to collaborate on organizational, departmental, and group goals, while excluding individuals pursuing their self-interest.

H R professionals have argued that competitive advantage can be gained by creating an engaged workforce. The data and argument that that we present above are a compelling case why leaders need to make employee engagement one of their priorities. Leaders should actively try to identify the level of engagement in their organization, find the reasons behind the lack of full engagement, strive to eliminate those reasons, and implement behavioral strategies that will facilitate full engagement. These efforts should be ongoing. Employee engagement is hard to achieve and if not sustained by leaders it can wither with relative ease

Best of luck
Dr Wilfred Monteiro

Monday, December 15, 2014

Your opinion about how you think your behavior affects others isn't sufficient. The reason these behaviors recur is that you're not aware of what you're doing.

Leadership Styles: 
recognize your blind spots

What is leadership? Let us define leadership in practical terms –characteristics that are indispensable for any leader to possess, in order to genuinely build a high performance organization, and as a consequence of this, a truly sustainable competitive advantage

Hence, the understanding of a leadership skill is not an intangible concept floating on the air such as charm, appeal, or charisma – these are theoretical beliefs that are susceptible of different and subjective interpretations. Leadership is about observable, actual, and unmistakable behaviors – it is about knowing exactly what organizational levers to use; it is about identifying a reasonable number of priorities that will have the greatest possible impact on the success of your organization.
You control a bull by grabbing it by its horns, to make it jump – and even soar – according to your dexterity.We define leadership as having the specific skills that allow you to grab your organization by its horns in order to make it soar – to reach organizational peak performance.

What are leadership blind spots?...

These are unproductive behaviors that are hidden from yourself  but are glaring to everyone else, mainly your followers and your business rivals . The good news is that through self-awareness you can work on “the weaker parts” of yourself and unleash your individual talents and uniqueness in all arenas of your life. To succeed as a manager, you need to learn how to recognize your leadership blind spots and overcome them. Too often, leaders demonstrate behaviors that let down their success and consequently both their team and their organization.

 You can't do anything about your leadership blind spots until you can recognize them when they occur. The first step is to ask others for their candid feedback. Refer THE JOHARI WINDOW  (named after the first names of its inventors: Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, “Of Human Interaction” -Mayfield Publishing Co., Palo Alto, CA: 1969) a superb instrument for understanding your behaviour patters and the need for cross ventilation of ideas and feedback in order to help you to grow through interpersonal transactions
 Our leadership blind spots could create bad and unintended consequences: They corrupt decision-making, reduce our scope of awareness, create enemies,  divide teams into warring camps, destroy careers, and sabotage business results.  Becoming more self-aware is not always easy or fun, however. Individuals must be completely honest with themselves, and this requires patience and perseverance.
No one is immune to leadership blind spots, of course. But leaders are particularly vulnerable. It's enough that they must often navigate massive change and cope with stressful situations every day. But add to this the overpowering belief that many leaders shoulder: "I should have all the answers, I should know what to do, and I should be able to handle challenges alone."

For many, the need to be right becomes much stronger than the need to be effective. And only the most confident leaders are willing to surround themselves with people who will point out what they're doing wrong—and be rewarded for their honesty. More often, everyone is forced to endure the boss' weaknesses in silence.

Leadership blind spots are not flaws; nor are they malicious. They are automatic behaviors. The real culprits are not the blind spots themselves. The problem is when they are unidentified and mismanaged.

There are  three  leadership blind spots that persistently knock people off the career ladder and undermine organizational performance. Below are ones that I have come across most often in my work as a management consultant

Go it alone Syndrome

The first is the instinct to go it alone. In my experience, that is the No. 1 blind spot. It's an obvious danger, when dealing with  outwardly self-sufficient, independent leaders , but inwardly have low self esteem and therefore  have a need to be perceived as strong and tough. If you have a tendency to shoulder the burdens of life by yourself and unintentionally exclude others—colleagues, friends, and even family—then you need to be aware that this is a blind spot.

Some of the symptoms of going-it-alone include rejecting offers of support, refusing to ask for help, not talking about your stress, pressure, or anxiety, isolating and withdrawing in group situations, and not including others in your thinking or in decision-making.

You may think that your independent streak is a sign of strength. In actual fact, your behavior leaves others feeling frustrated, angry, and devalued. People view you as missing in action and acting as a team of one. Instead of empowering your team, you undercut it by refusing to share responsibilities, information, and decision-making. Your employees lose their enthusiasm, and you lose their support.

Impact Unawareness/ Insensitivity
The second blind spot that I have frequently encountered  is the tendency of leaders to be insensitive to their impact on others. They're simply unaware of the damage their behavior can create. They have a low threshold for picking up on the reactions of others, perhaps because they have never bothered themselves too much with what others think.

The potential dangers of insensitivity become more critical when you are in a position of importance eg Head of a Dept / SBU head or finally even the CEO. Suddenly, you control the destiny of people around you. If you're making repeated blunders that you don't even see, there's little option for your team but to walk out the door.

If this blind spot applies to you, your intentions may be positive but your behavior is ineffective. The rub is that people judge you by your behavior, not by your intentions. Symptoms include expecting others to respond the same way you do, not recognizing cultural differences, and dismissing feedback from others about your behavior.

When you are insensitive to others, people tend to withdraw their trust. They'll work around you. At best, they may tolerate you. Others may marginalize you and, if they can, ultimately fire you. Sensitivity isn't about being soft.It's about being aware of the signals and needs and contributions of the people around you. It's critical to effective leadership.

Avoiding Difficult/Open Dialogue
Finally, I'm frequently struck by the tendency of many managers to avoid difficult dialogue. This might seem odd when the previous two blind spots may evoke the image of a boss who doesn't particularly care about what people think. But the truth is that most of us dislike feeling uncomfortable or creating discomfort in others.

 The fear among some managers is that conflict that will escalate, or a relationship that cannot be recovered. Some resort to less obvious ways of making their dissatisfaction known. These include the organization grapevine…who then assumes the importance of the organisation’s conscience keeper.

If this is one of your leadership blind spots, you have a dilemma: what you cannot talk about, you cannot resolve. When you avoid tough dialogues, problems are repeated and issues escalate. Worse, your behavior sends a message that unacceptable behavior or performance will be tolerated in the organization. You essentially give poor performers the same treatment as your stars and, worse, the people on your team don't really know where they stand.

Symptoms include softening your message, talking in generalizations instead of providing specific examples, and expecting others to read between the lines instead of actually telling them where they're falling short.

When you avoid difficult dialogues, you are not doing anyone a favor. People may be confused by your mixed messages. They don't understand why they're passed over for plum assignments or promotions because no one has confronted them about their work. They think you don't notice. Everyone else thinks you don't care.

Your opinion about how you think your behavior affects others isn't sufficient. The reason these behaviors recur is that you're not aware of what you're doing. Second, take accountability for your impact and stop justifying your behavior by defending your positive intentions. Third, in the absence of a structured process, ask those who do see certain weaknesses to coach you the moment your blind spot surfaces. Finally, stop the behavior the instant you see it by acknowledging it. Be courageous and say something like: "I'm beating around the bush. Let me start again." Then, start again.
Your goal is not to be perfect. It's to check your blind spot and recover quickly. Furthermore, until you deal with your blind spot issues, business success cannot be fully achieved or enjoyed. By working on your self, success must follow. Ignoring your problems and repeating the same patterns is an unhealthy road to nowhere. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

most companies mistake the talent acquisition process as incidential in the hurry of filling in urgent vacancies A deeper insight and analysis is the hallmark of a talent driven company DR WILFRED MONTEIRO OPINES

T A L E N T    S E L E C T I O N
are the workplace values matching ???

Your newest recruit, Brijesh, has been working with your team for several weeks now, and you're wondering if you made a mistake in recruiting him. His workplace values are very different from those of your team, and from the values of your organization as a whole.

Your core team members care passionately about doing work that helps others. They value teamwork, and they're always willing to pitch in or stay late if someone is behind on an important deadline. This has led to a culture of trust, friendliness, and mutual respect within the team.   

Brijesh, on the other hand, wants to climb the corporate ladder. He's ambitious and ruthless, and he wants to focus on projects that will either build his expert status or achieve a public win. The problem is that his core career values clash with the core values of your team. This is causing infighting and bad feeling within the group.

WORKPLACE VALUES: Pillars of your corporate culture

Employer brand is about capturing the spirit of an organization in a way that engages talent across its life cycle (join-stay-exit) within the organization. It articulates an organization’s ‘value proposition’—the entirety of its ethos, processes, values and employee relationships, providing a new focal point for the organization.
Your employer brand would be just a glossy exterior if they are not reinforced with workplace values… which are the pillars of your corporate culture. As companies become great, the division between management and labour fades. The workplace becomes a community. Employees take pride in their job, their team, and their company. They feel that they can be themselves at work. They celebrate the successes of their peers and cooperate with others throughout the organization. People take pleasure in their work - and in the people they work with - in a deep and lasting way. They want to stay around for their careers.

At the heart of of a model workplace is where employees "trust the people they work for, have pride in what they do, and enjoy the people they work with" –

¨     The relationship between employees and management.
¨     The relationship between employees and their jobs/company.
¨     The relationship between employees and other employees.

Your organization's workplace values set the tone for your company's culture, and they identify what your organization, as a whole, cares about. It's important that your people's values align with these.
The starting point for a culture turnaround is by is developing the "5 Rs":Right match,Relationship,Recognition,Right expectations & Respect …and these workplace values should be  the guiding principles that are most important to you about the way that the company people across the lenth and breath really work. You use these deeply held principles to choose between right and wrong ways of working, and they help you make important decisions and career choices.

Interpreting these five WORKPLACE VALUES some (possibly conflicting) behaviours include:
·  Being accountable.
·  Making a difference.
·  Focusing on detail.
·  Delivering quality.
·  Being completely honest.
·  Keeping promises.
·  Being reliable.
·  Being positive.
·  Meeting deadlines.
·  Helping others.
·  Being a great team member.
·  Respecting company policy and rules, and respecting others.
·  Showing tolerance.
Take the case of GE  which since 1930 is the only surving member in the Fortune500 Global List. The  company GE’s relationships with employees, customers, suppliers, shareowners and governments are subject to a dynamic system of legal and regulatory requirements—all of which must be first interpreted and then applied according to GE’s Company-wide standards. Its all contained in a book called “The Spirit & The Letter” which  is a guide to help employees understand the standards of conduct that the Company sees as fundamental to honoring its commitment to performance with integrity. “The Spirit & The Letter” helps GE achieve compliance by establishing a common standard of behavior required of all employees—everyone, everywhere, every day. As the title suggests, GE’s approach to compliance is founded on a commitment to perform with integrity according to both the spirit and the letter of the law everywhere GE does business. The booklet contains GE’s core compliance policies and is made available to employees globally in 31 languages. When the the spirit and the letter of your workplace values really happen, people understand one another, everyone does the right things for the right reasons, and this common purpose and understanding helps people build great working relationships. Values alignment helps the organization as a whole to achieve its core mission.

TALENT SELECTION : How to Understand People's Workplace Values

The most important thing that you need to do when interviewing someone is understand his or her workplace values. After all, you can train people to cover skills gaps, and you can help people gain experience. But it's really hard to get people to change their values; and they will be "problem workers" until they do.
To create a cohesive team, you need to identify people who will fit best with its culture and values. When you're interviewing potential team members, do what you can to identify their workplace values - this is usually the most important thing that you need to explore at interview.

There are several ways to do this…..First, ask questions focused around your own organization's workplace values. For instance, imagine that you want to find a team member who, among other values, is highly tolerant of other cultures.You could ask questions like these:
·        "Describe a time when you had to work with a wide variety of people. How did you go about identifying and understanding their points of view? How did you adapt your own working style to work more effectively with these people? What was the outcome?"
·        "Has there ever been a time when your beliefs clashed with someone else's on your team? If so, how did you overcome these differences?"
These questions encourage interviewees to open up about how they approach these issues. You also need to look at the potential recruit's past work history. Examine the organization that they worked at previously to identify any possible clash in values (this might be most obvious if they've worked with a well-known competitor).Keep in mind that while most people can be coached to adapt to a new working culture, some professionals will find it hard to shift their priorities. Deeper values may be very hard to change.


Workplace values drive the attitudes and behaviors that you want to see within your team. These values might include respecting others, keeping promises, showing personal accountability, or providing excellent customer service.It's important to identify and understand the workplace values of successful team members, so that you can select new recruits who share these values.

When values are out of alignment, people work towards different goals, with different intentions, and with different outcomes. This can damage work relationships, productivity, job satisfaction, and creative potential.

When interviewing new recruits, ask focused interview questions, use role-playing scenarios and tools, look at past history, and use psychometric tests to find the recruits with the best cultural fit. And most important make sure your managers interviewing the candidate are committed to  projecting  your company’s cultural values… I have often said…people join a company and resign from its workplace culture

Best wishes
                  Dr Wilfred Monteiro

Friday, January 3, 2014



Greatness  is not a cap your wear or take off for the rain or sun. It must come genuinely and spontaneously from within. You must possess it as dear and give it to others joyously not as a sense of compulsion to toe the company’s HR policy.

 Here is a summary of reasons why some managers become great not by they saying but because their followers call them “great”

  1. Enjoy helping people grow. Few things feel better than helping someone who is new to a role, or who has been struggling, into becoming a productive, confident person. There’s a kind of satisfaction in helping someone figure out how to be successful that doesn’t come from many other living experiences. Great mangers love seeing this happen on their teams.
  2. Love creating positive environments. A great manager creates a team and and office environment that makes it easy for smart people to do good things. They love that moment when they wander the halls and see all sorts of amazing things happening all on their own, with passionate, motivated people doing good work without much involvement from the manager.
  3. Want to correct mistakes inflicted on them. Some great managers are looking to undo the evil managers they had. Rather than take it out on their subordinates, they want to do a kind of pay it forward revenge: prove to themselves and the world that it can be better that what happened to them in the past. This can create the trap of fighting the last war: your team may not care at all about avoiding the mistakes of your previous manager. They want to avoid the mistakes you, and your blind spots, are probably making right now.
  4. Care deeply about the success and well being of their team. Thoroughbred horses get well cared for. Their owners see them as an expensive asset and do whatever they can to optimize their health, performance, and longevity, even if their motivations are largely selfish. A great manager cares deeply about their staff, and goes out of his way to protect, train, care for, and reward their own team, even if their primary motivation is their own success.
  5. Succession mentality. A successful manager eventually realizes their own leadership will end one day, but if they teach and instill the right things into people who work for them, that philosophy can live on for a long time, long after the manager is gone. This can go horribly wrong but the desire to have a lasting impact generally helps people think on longer term cycles and pay attention to wider trends short term managers do not notice.
  6. Long term sense of reward. Many of the mistakes managers make involve reaping short term rewards at the expense of long term loyalty and morale. Any leader who inverts this philosophy, and makes short term sacrifices to provide long term gains, will generally be a much better manager. They recognize the value of taking the time to explain things, to build trust, to provide training, and to build relationships, all of which results in a kind of team performance and loyalty the short term manager never believes is possible.
  7. Practice of the golden rule. It’s funny how well known this little gem is, and rare in life people follow it. But I think anyone in power who believes in it, and treats all of their employees the same way they truly would want to be treated, or even better, treats employees as they actually want to be treated, will always be a decent, above average manager. A deeply moral person can’t help but do better than most people, as treating people with respect, honesty and trust are the 3 things I suspect most people wish they could get from their bosses.
  8. Self aware, including weaknesses. This is the kicker. Great leaders know what they relish and are proficient in , and either work on those skills or hire people they know make up for their own weaknesses, and empower them to do so. This tiny little bit of self-awareness makes them open to feedback and criticism to new areas they need to work on, and creates an example for movement in how people should be growing and learning about new things.
  9. Sets tone of healthy debate and criticism. If the boss gives and takes feedback well, everyone else will too. If the boss is defensive, passive-aggressive, plays favorites, or does other things that work against the best idea winning, everyone else will play these destructive games. Only a boss who sees their own behavior as a model the rest of the organization will tend to follow can ever become a truly great manager. Without this, they will always wonder why the team behaves in certain unproductive ways that are strangely familiar.
  10. Willing to fight, but picks their battles. Great managers are not cowards. They are willing to stake their reputation and make big bets now and then (I’d say at least once a year, as a totally random, put possibly useful stake in the ground). However they are not crazy either. They are good at doing political math and seeing which battle is worth the fight at a given time. A manager that never fights can never be great – they will never have enough skin in the game to earn the deepest level of respect of the people that work for them. But a manager that always fights is much worse. They continually put their own ego ahead of what their team is capable of.

  1. To be a GREAT manager one must be a manager of self-first. Remember that those who are under your supervision are the backbone of your company. Treat them with respect and dignity. The Law of Mutual Exchange demands that you do. When you pick up one end of the stick, you get the end opposite also.
  2. To be a GREAT manager one must first be a student. Learn from those under your supervision. No man is an island unto himself. Realize that every employee is a never ending, vast supply of human potential. Tap the supply while opportunity is ripe.
  3. Every human being is a diamond in the rough waiting to be brought to full brilliance. As a GREAT manager, you must help to develop every facet until the whole person emerges.Every person is a unique individual. Find that uniqueness and tap into it. Develop it to its full potential.

4.     Managers believe that people are innately good. Without this core belief and faith in people, great management is not possible.(remember old guru Douglas Mcgregor theory x and theory y)Managers believe they do not work on their people, they work with them; they enable and empower them.

5.     Managers believe that “empowerment” comes from within, and has more to do with self-motivation and innate talent than with the acceptance of authority. They get their cues from the person, not from the task or process.Managers believe that all people have strengths which can be made stronger, and that their weaknesses can be compensated for to become irrelevant.

6.     To be a GREAT manager, your first priority is to be a GREAT teacher.Managers believe they coach and mentor people, and they love doing so — not “like,” love. When it comes to training, the great managers do not believe they train people, they believe they train skills and offer additional knowledge.

7.     Managers believe that the people they manage are more than capable of creating a better future. They hold great faith and trust in the four-fold human capacities of physical ability, intellect, emotion, and spirit.

8.     Managers believe in the power of positive, affirmative thinking, and they have a low tolerance for negativity. They are confident and eternal optimists.

9.     Managers believe it is their job to remove barriers and obstacles so people can attain the level of greatness they are destined for. They believe that “can’t” is a temporary state of affairs, and that everything is only impossible until the first person does it.

10.  Managers believe that their legacy will be in the other people they have helped to achieve worthwhile and meaningful goals. They believe that success is measured in people who thrive and prosper.

A GREAT manager is one who others will want to follow. Not because he is their manager, but because of what he stands for.That’s why managers matter, and why management is vitally important. A company cannot be greater than the manager’s who work for it.

With best compliments
Dr Wilfred Monteiro